Officer Candidate Class 4-64 

1st Platoon      

Page updated on: 5 Aug 2021




1st Platoon, 52nd Company (OC), 5th Student Battalion, Class 4-64

LT Clyde A. Hennies

Tactical Officer, 1st Platoon

Adams Charles D.jpg (87007 bytes)<Charles D. Adams  RIP   Ahrens Robert E.jpg (84380 bytes)<Robert E. Ahrens

Albrecht Joseph N.jpg (87558 bytes)<Joseph N. Albrecht    Allgood Larry D.gif (118971 bytes)<Larry D. Allgood RIP

Barnett David R.gif (129122 bytes)<David R. Barnett RIP    Bassett Paul Donald.gif (113997 bytes)<Paul Donald Bassett

Bazler Elwin P.gif (106289 bytes)<E. Page. Bazler  RIP    Berry Richard N Jr.gif (109887 bytes)<Richard N. Berry, Jr.

Binelli Joseph A.gif (95044 bytes)<Joseph A. Binelli RIP    Bond James E.gif (125351 bytes)<James E. Bond

Bracken Richard J.gif (109438 bytes)<Richard J. Bracken    Brown Larry W.gif (128833 bytes)<Larry W. Brown

Browning Wm W Jr.gif (116188 bytes)<William W. Browning, Jr.    Busch Herbert A.gif (110960 bytes)<Herbert A. Busch

Canale Angelo A.gif (123396 bytes)<Angelo A. Canale  RIP     Carter Arthur L.gif (107261 bytes)<Arthur L. Carter

Cauzza Rachard C.jpg (81396 bytes)<Richard C. Cauzza RIP    Cavanaugh Edward W Jr.jpg (77639 bytes)<Edward W. Cavanaugh, Jr. RIP

Chandler Richard R.jpg (84193 bytes)<Richard R. Chandler RIP     Charles David Lynn.jpg (82675 bytes)<David Lynn Charles

Chellman Ronald J.jpg (83170 bytes)<Ronald J. Chellman RIP    Cisternino John G.jpg (80041 bytes)<John G. Cisternino

Cox Carl D.jpg (80140 bytes)<Carl D. Cox    Daskal James A.jpg (81231 bytes)<James A. Daskal

Fougeron Richard A.jpg (79572 bytes)<Richard A. Fougeron RIP    Prucha Robert G Jr.jpg (84220 bytes)<Robert G. Prucha, Jr.

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